中高生向けのpicoCTF の更に初心者向けの mini CTF Beginner picoMini 2022 が2022年1月10日 8:00pm GMT ~ 2月4日 8:00pm GMT で開催されました。名前の通りちゃんととっても初心者向けで、全部解けた人も多いかと思いますがwriteupを残しておきます。
[General Skills] runme.py
Run the runme.py script to get the flag. Download the script with your browser or with wget in the webshell.
python scriptが配布されます。中にflagが書いてあったけど、多分pythonスクリプトを実行させる問題。
#!/usr/bin/python3 ################################################################################ # Python script which just prints the flag ################################################################################ flag ='picoCTF{run_s4n1ty_run}' print(flag)
[General Skills] ncme
Connect to a remote computer using nc and get the flag.
$ nc saturn.picoctf.net 57688
$ nc saturn.picoctf.net 57688 picoCTF{s4n1ty_c4t}
[General Skills] convertme.py
Run the Python script and convert the given number from decimal to binary to get the flag.
またpython scriptが配布されます。
import random def str_xor(secret, key): #extend key to secret length new_key = key i = 0 while len(new_key) < len(secret): new_key = new_key + key[i] i = (i + 1) % len(key) return "".join([chr(ord(secret_c) ^ ord(new_key_c)) for (secret_c,new_key_c) in zip(secret,new_key)]) flag_enc = chr(0x15) + chr(0x07) + chr(0x08) + chr(0x06) + chr(0x27) + chr(0x21) + chr(0x23) + chr(0x15) + chr(0x5f) + chr(0x05) + chr(0x08) + chr(0x2a) + chr(0x1c) + chr(0x5e) + chr(0x1e) + chr(0x1b) + chr(0x3b) + chr(0x17) + chr(0x51) + chr(0x5b) + chr(0x58) + chr(0x5c) + chr(0x3b) + chr(0x10) + chr(0x57) + chr(0x0f) + chr(0x5e) + chr(0x51) + chr(0x5c) + chr(0x46) + chr(0x53) + chr(0x13) num = random.choice(range(10,101)) print('If ' + str(num) + ' is in decimal base, what is it in binary base?') ans = input('Answer: ') try: ans_num = int(ans, base=2) if ans_num == num: flag = str_xor(flag_enc, 'enkidu') print('That is correct! Here\'s your flag: ' + flag) else: print(str(ans_num) + ' and ' + str(num) + ' are not equal.') except ValueError: print('That isn\'t a binary number. Binary numbers contain only 1\'s and 0\'s')
$ python convertme.py If 26 is in decimal base, what is it in binary base? Answer: 11010 That is correct! Here's your flag: picoCTF{4ll_y0ur_b4535_e2a58836}
2進数に直した値を答えさせる問題でした。今回はお手軽に、CyberChefの To Base フィルタを使って解きました。
[General Skills] Codebook
Run the Python script
in the same directory ascodebook.txt
$ python code.py picoCTF{c0d3b00k_455157_8100c7c1}
[General Skills] fixme1.py
Fix the syntax error in this Python script to print the flag.
python scriptが配布されます。エラーが出るから直してくれとのこと。まずは実行してみます。
$ python fixme1.py File "fixme1.py", line 20 print('That is correct! Here\'s your flag: ' + flag) ^ IndentationError: unexpected indent
$ python fixme1.py That is correct! Here's your flag: picoCTF{1nd3nt1ty_cr1515_09ee727a}
[General Skills] fixme2.py
Fix the syntax error in the Python script to print the flag.
$ python fixme2.py File "fixme2.py", line 22 if flag = "": ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax
イコールの書き方は =
ではなくて ==
$ python fixme2.py That is correct! Here's your flag: picoCTF{3qu4l1ty_n0t_4551gnm3nt_4863e11b}
[General Skills] PW Crack 1
Can you crack the password to get the flag? Download the password checker here and you'll need the encrypted flag in the same directory too.
と level1.py
### THIS FUNCTION WILL NOT HELP YOU FIND THE FLAG --LT ######################## def str_xor(secret, key): #extend key to secret length new_key = key i = 0 while len(new_key) < len(secret): new_key = new_key + key[i] i = (i + 1) % len(key) return "".join([chr(ord(secret_c) ^ ord(new_key_c)) for (secret_c,new_key_c) in zip(secret,new_key)]) ############################################################################### flag_enc = open('level1.flag.txt.enc', 'rb').read() def level_1_pw_check(): user_pw = input("Please enter correct password for flag: ") if( user_pw == "691d"): print("Welcome back... your flag, user:") decryption = str_xor(flag_enc.decode(), user_pw) print(decryption) return print("That password is incorrect") level_1_pw_check()
$ python level1.py Please enter correct password for flag: That password is incorrect
passwordがいるらしい。コードを読んでみると、パスワードは 691d
$ python level1.py Please enter correct password for flag: 691d Welcome back... your flag, user: picoCTF{545h_r1ng1ng_56891419}
[General Skills] Glitch Cat
Our flag printing service has started glitching!
$ nc saturn.picoctf.net 52026
$ nc saturn.picoctf.net 52026 'picoCTF{gl17ch_m3_n07_' + chr(0x62) + chr(0x65) + chr(0x63) + chr(0x66) + chr(0x33) + chr(0x38) + chr(0x36) + chr(0x31) + '}'
おお、hexからasciiへ変換が必要。今回もCyberChefの From Hex フィルタを使って変換。
[General Skills] PW Crack 2
Can you crack the password to get the flag? Download the password checker here and you'll need the encrypted flag in the same directory too.
今度は level2.flag.txt.enc
と level2.py
user_pw = input("Please enter correct password for flag: ") if( user_pw == chr(0x34) + chr(0x65) + chr(0x63) + chr(0x39) ):
-> 4ec9
$ python level2.py Please enter correct password for flag: 4ec9 Welcome back... your flag, user: picoCTF{tr45h_51ng1ng_9701e681}
[General Skills] HashingJobApp
If you want to hash with the best, beat this test!
nc saturn.picoctf.net 65352
接続してみると、指定された単語のmd5を計算して答える問題が。またCyberChefの MD5
$ nc saturn.picoctf.net 65352 Please md5 hash the text between quotes, excluding the quotes: 'Joan of Arc' Answer: 19ba425a542946fcf13228d9ddd53139 19ba425a542946fcf13228d9ddd53139 Correct. Please md5 hash the text between quotes, excluding the quotes: 'Clint Eastwood' Answer: b84954cb41831fa842dd69f6e1836b6e b84954cb41831fa842dd69f6e1836b6e Correct. Please md5 hash the text between quotes, excluding the quotes: 'grave robbers' Answer: bf48d2ac4e5d0532912c8e8e0998645f bf48d2ac4e5d0532912c8e8e0998645f Correct. picoCTF{4ppl1c4710n_r3c31v3d_674c1de2}
$ echo -n "Joan of Arc" | md5 19ba425a542946fcf13228d9ddd53139
option で改行をしないようにするのを忘れないように。
[General Skills] Serpentine
Find the flag in the Python script!
$ python serpentine.py Y .-^-. / \ .- ~ ~ -. () () / _ _ `. _ _ _ \_ _/ / / \ \ . ~ _ _ ~ . | | / / \ \ .' .~ ~-. `. | | / / ) ) / / `.`. \ \_ _/ / / / / / `' \_ _ _.' / / ( ( / / \ \ / / \ \ / / ) ) ( ( / / `. `. .' / `. ~ - - - - ~ .' ~ . _ _ _ _ . ~ Welcome to the serpentine encourager! a) Print encouragement b) Print flag c) Quit What would you like to do? (a/b/c)
flagを表示してほしかったので b
Oops! I must have misplaced the print_flag function! Check my source code!
while True: print('a) Print encouragement') print('b) Print flag') print('c) Quit\n') choice = input('What would you like to do? (a/b/c) ') if choice == 'a': print_encouragement() elif choice == 'b': print('\nOops! I must have misplaced the print_flag function! Check my source code!\n\n') elif choice == 'c': sys.exit(0) else: print('\nI did not understand "' + choice + '", input only "a", "b" or "c"\n\n')
この choice == 'b'
What would you like to do? (a/b/c) b picoCTF{7h3_r04d_l355_7r4v3l3d_8e47d128}
[General Skills] PW Crack 3
Can you crack the password to get the flag?
Download the password checker here and you'll need the encrypted flag and the hash in the same directory too.
There are 7 potential passwords with 1 being correct. You can find these by examining the password checker script.
今回は level3.py
, level3.flag.txt.enc
, level3.hash.bin
$ python level3.py Please enter correct password for flag: 1ea2 Welcome back... your flag, user: picoCTF{m45h_fl1ng1ng_6f98a49f}
[General Skills] PW Crack 4
Can you crack the password to get the flag?
Download the password checker here and you'll need the encrypted flag and the hash in the same directory too.
There are 100 potential passwords with only 1 being correct. You can find these by examining the password checker script.
, level4.hash.bin
, level4.flag.txt.enc
import hashlib # The strings below are 100 possibilities for the correct password. # (Only 1 is correct) pos_pw_list = ["6b3e", "989c", "4b17", "d06f", "f495", "6ea1", "44e4", "1d45", "3e1a", "b0b4", "8c65", "3276", "c496", "9d3d", "2476", "6ef4", "6b7f", "c184", "c2a8", "9708", "7bea", "9a2d", "4a22", "93ae", "826b", "9a50", "8b39", "5410", "a86c", "3760", "6426", "ec8e", "c294", "a909", "cbc6", "2e75", "f137", "9cb3", "79e7", "469f", "a9f9", "3e37", "b33e", "3f31", "4b27", "2f06", "cc2f", "d9e4", "2de7", "7328", "b4d4", "8e74", "a677", "b139", "9c74", "8ea4", "36f6", "613b", "7a7a", "5710", "838c", "44d5", "7190", "99d9", "c0a6", "b218", "3223", "477e", "38e5", "19b4", "3267", "2287", "b947", "a8d0", "fd9c", "e99c", "d8b7", "4c82", "b289", "332b", "bba5", "716d", "653e", "eb5d", "ad77", "ad3a", "3922", "7565", "947d", "928c", "2937", "823f", "f362", "79cf", "4582", "c0d0", "ed20", "d89a", "129c", "4e81"] ### THIS FUNCTION WILL NOT HELP YOU FIND THE FLAG --LT ######################## def str_xor(secret, key): #extend key to secret length new_key = key i = 0 while len(new_key) < len(secret): new_key = new_key + key[i] i = (i + 1) % len(key) return "".join([chr(ord(secret_c) ^ ord(new_key_c)) for (secret_c,new_key_c) in zip(secret,new_key)]) ############################################################################### flag_enc = open('level4.flag.txt.enc', 'rb').read() correct_pw_hash = open('level4.hash.bin', 'rb').read() def hash_pw(pw_str): pw_bytes = bytearray() pw_bytes.extend(pw_str.encode()) m = hashlib.md5() m.update(pw_bytes) return m.digest() def level_4_pw_check(pw): # user_pw = input("Please enter correct password for flag: ") # user_pw_hash = hash_pw(user_pw) # if( user_pw_hash == correct_pw_hash ): print("Welcome back... your flag, user:") decryption = str_xor(flag_enc.decode(), pw) print(decryption) return print("That password is incorrect") def choose_pw(): for p in pos_pw_list: if hash_pw(p) == correct_pw_hash: return p pw = choose_pw() level_4_pw_check(pw)
$ python level4.py Welcome back... your flag, user: picoCTF{fl45h_5pr1ng1ng_89490f2d}
[General Skills] PW Crack 5
Can you crack the password to get the flag?
Download the password checker here and you'll need the encrypted flag and the hash in the same directory too. Here's a dictionary with all possible passwords based on the password conventions we've seen so far.
import hashlib ### THIS FUNCTION WILL NOT HELP YOU FIND THE FLAG --LT ######################## def str_xor(secret, key): #extend key to secret length new_key = key i = 0 while len(new_key) < len(secret): new_key = new_key + key[i] i = (i + 1) % len(key) return "".join([chr(ord(secret_c) ^ ord(new_key_c)) for (secret_c,new_key_c) in zip(secret,new_key)]) ############################################################################### flag_enc = open('level5.flag.txt.enc', 'rb').read() correct_pw_hash = open('level5.hash.bin', 'rb').read() dictionary = open('dictionary.txt', 'r').readlines() def hash_pw(pw_str): pw_bytes = bytearray() pw_bytes.extend(pw_str.encode()) m = hashlib.md5() m.update(pw_bytes) return m.digest() def level_5_pw_check(pw): # user_pw = input("Please enter correct password for flag: ") # user_pw_hash = hash_pw(user_pw) # if( user_pw_hash == correct_pw_hash ): print("Welcome back... your flag, user:") decryption = str_xor(flag_enc.decode(), pw) print(decryption) return print("That password is incorrect") def find_pw(): for d in dictionary: d = d.strip() if hash_pw(d) == correct_pw_hash: return d pw = find_pw() level_5_pw_check(pw)
$ python level5.py Welcome back... your flag, user: picoCTF{h45h_sl1ng1ng_2f021ce9}